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Be You!

It’s early Wednesday morning in Snohomish, WA. The sun isn’t up yet, but Pierre the Rooster has been crowing since somewhere around 3:30am. Early seems to be the norm for me these days, but I like having quiet time with God and to think, pray and plan.

One of our students at school yesterday was reading a story about God calling someone to preach. I was talking with him about how we’re all called to preach. Preaching is simply telling the good news of what Jesus has done, and continues to do in our lives every day.

A lot of people’s paradigm of preaching is someone standing on a stage and giving a “sermon”. But that’s only one way. Some are called and gifted to preach from a stage in front of people. Some are best speaking one on one. Some people thrive when talking with children. Some people are completely freaked out by kids. 

But, in reality, we’re all called to preach-proclaim the good news. And God will use YOU! You- the way He made you- and with what you’re good at. Maybe you simply love to talk to someone who is homeless; or people walking down the street. Maybe you're good at striking up conversations while you’re on the ski lift, or floating in the pool. Maybe you’re gifted with writing and talking to people that way.

However we do it or in whatever occupation, hobby, vacation, location, place we’re in—God has called us to preach- tell the good news of Jesus. Jesus said, “ “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

And He said that to YOU. Be YOU! Tell people what Jesus will do in their lives!

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