Welcome to Freedom Ranch!
A place to experience True Freedom!
"You will know The Truth and The Truth will Make you FREE!!!"
Freedom ranch is also the location of Life Church NW, and Promised Land U-Cut Tree Farm!
We would love to meet you and talk more! Let us know how we can help you, or how you would like to be involved! Check out our 'About Us' & other pages for more information.


We are located on nearly 20 acres in beautiful Snohomish, WA, with a backdrop of the majestic Cascade mountains.
Freedom Ranch was established in January of 2021 from a God-given vision and dream within the Barnes and Alvarez & Turner families to help people & enjoy farm & ranch living. It now has expanded to the Davies & Hampton families, and our church family.
Included in this is a life-giving family church, Belong group, unicorn/cowboy birthday parties, and petting farm.
You're invited to shop our ranch store for custom t-shirts, sweatshirts, & other products. We also offer free range chickens, chicken eggs, goats and microgreens for sale, as well as raspberries when in season.
Other services people from our ranch provide include real estate investment and notary services.
Check back often to see what we have going on!
Services (Check back often to see new services offered)
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$50/4 hour1 hr
$50/hr + $50 tr fee15 min
$4 per pound15 min
4 US dollars1 hr
Price varies2 hr
$250 - $350